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Atlana, the memories of a forgotten city
We are a group of four scientists who invite you to discover the city of Atlana. At one time, the city was considered legendary, non-existent and lost. Today, it is through textual testimonials that we will share with you the cultural richness, daily life and functioning of Atlana.

About our blog
This blog is a collection of manuscrits found by some archaeologists in twenty-first century on the site of what is assume to be the location of Altana, a now-lost city, thriving during the middle ages. The digital transcriptions of the Altante manuscripts are made by a groups of students of the university of Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 for a research project linking archeology, history and anthropology. These testimonies are the only source to this day showing the existence of the mysterious town. This city, of great dimensions, would have possessed an important port. The manuscripts were found in a cave far from the sea, under the sand. Those manuscripts related the every day life of, as far as we can tell, four different townpeople. In these precious manuscripts you will find a magnificent testimony to the life of Freya, the dressmaker or even Clark the singer. However, despite the evidence of the authenticity of those manuscripts, they raise interrogations because of some of the things mentions in them: mentions of countries not yet discovered during the time at which it was written, and also mention of work of art from modern times.
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